Why Is My Pool Losing Water When the Pump Is On?

Hello! I'm Carl Tanner, Team Lead Pool Contractor and Advisor at Garland's Pool Professionals. One question we often get is about pools losing water when the pump is running. Let me walk you through why this happens, using a real example from one of our projects.

Discovering the Leak

Last year, a client in Garland noticed their pool level was going down every night after the pump ran. Worried about this, they called us to check it out. It felt like being a detective, looking for clues and figuring out what was wrong.

A picture of the top of the pool water

How We Found and Fixed the Leak

Here's how we tackled the problem:

  1. Visual Check: First, we looked all around the pool and equipment for signs of leaks.
  2. Pressure Test: We then did a pressure test on the pool's pipes to see if there was a hidden leak.

The test showed us there was a small crack in a pipe near the pump. This crack was hidden underground, which is why the client hadn't seen any obvious signs of leakage.

Pool water picture
Pool pipes

Why Pumps Can Cause Water Loss

The pool pump is essential for keeping the water clean by moving it through the filter system. But, issues with the pump system can lead to water loss:

  • Pipe Leaks: Damage or old pipes can start leaking, especially under the pressure when the pump is running.
  • Worn-out Pump Seal: The seal around the pump can wear out and leak water when the pump is active.
Pool water drawing

Other Reasons Your Pool Might Lose Water

While a cracked pipe was the issue here, other things can also cause water loss:

  • Overfilled Pool: If the pool is too full, water might spill out through the overflow drain when the pump is on.
  • Pool Cracks: Sometimes, the pool itself might have small cracks that leak more when the pump increases water pressure.
A picture of pool water with a reflection of a fern

Repair Steps

After finding the leak, fixing it was straightforward:

  1. Replace the Broken Pipe: We dug up the area around the leak, put in a new pipe, and made sure it was sealed and secure.
  2. Fix the Pump Seal: We also replaced the seal on the pump to prevent any future leaks there.

This repair helped our client save on water bills and prevented further damage to their yard.


Figuring out why your pool is losing water when the pump is on can save you a lot of trouble and money. For our client, a quick fix stopped the water loss and protected their property. At Garland's Pool Professionals, we're here to solve these puzzles fast and keep your pool perfect.

This blog gives you a peek into how we handle pool issues with expertise, shared through a story from our real-life experience. If you're having pool problems or just want to learn more, we're here to help with top-notch advice and service.

Carl Tanner taking pool-building notes for his next job

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